Create Stop-Scrolling,
Thought-Provoking Visuals
No design background required.
No-fluff curriculum. Learn the exact method I use for creating visuals that millions love and share.
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I've helped 850+ students rack up 76,324,892+ impressions online.
If this resonates…
Content creator? Looking to grow your audience with a unique, in-demand skill?
Writer? Want to amplify your work with visuals that grab attention and spark “aha” moments?
Coaches and educators? Looking to use visuals to make your material stick and grow your reputation?
…this course & community is built for you.
What are students saying?
Students are having fun and getting results. Here’s what some of them have said.
What's covered?
Everything you need to create scroll-stopping visuals that “wow” people. No paid software or design experience required. Explore all 6 sections below.
Today: Join the course and, in 3 hours, learn the core material.
Tomorrow: Start creating and submit your work for feedback.
In a week: Grow and improve along with other community members.
A lot more than just theory.
I want you to succeed, so I’ve added specific bonuses to help you apply what you learn and get support when you’re stuck. Explore all 8 sections below.
What this can do for you?
It’s been great seeing students go viral and grow from 0 to 100K+ followers. Some earned their first dollars online, illustrated bestselling books, and worked with their idols. A few even built their own visual agencies. And the best part? They had fun doing it.
Learn to express your ideas with clarity and impact.
Establish a regular creative practice.
Develop a unique, marketable skill.
Create a portfolio of visuals that stop the scroll.
Build and grow your audience.
Attract opportunities.
Pay Once
Access everything. Forever.
Including future updates, community, and live events.
most popular!
All-Access Pass
All course modules, from mindset and idea generation to brainstorming and design.
Full access to the community, including the Q&A space, and all future live events.
- Tailored Feedback Sessions
- Figma Templates
- Behind The Scenes Videos
- Cheat Sheets
- File of Fame Access
- Access to All Past Recordings
No Done-With-You 1-1 Coaching
1 spot available
All-Access Pass
+ Done-With-You Coaching
All course modules, from mindset and idea generation to brainstorming and design.
Full access to the community, including the Q&A space, and all future live events.
- Tailored Feedback Sessions
- Figma Templates
- Behind The Scenes Videos
- Cheat Sheets
- File of Fame Access
- Access to All Past Recordings
Done-With-You 1-1 Coaching
3 hours of coaching with Janis. We’ll talk, brainstorm, and work on your concepts together. There’s no set end date, and we can split it into 2-4 meetings. We’ll do whatever works best to help you accomplish your goals.
Who is behind this?
Hi, I'm Janis!
I spent years as an aspiring content creator. Tried YouTube, podcasting, blogging — all of it felt like an uphill battle.
Then I stumbled upon the idea of communicating through visuals. I loved it and pursued it seriously. Six months later, I finally felt momentum and left my corporate job.
Now, millions see my visuals every month. I’ve built an audience of 220,000+ and worked with people I once dreamed of working with.
Freelance opportunities kept coming in, and people kept asking how I do what I do.
So, I created this course and community to share my process and help you do the same.
I’m excited to see what you’ll create.
If you have any questions before making a purchase, email me directly, and I’ll get back to you: